Why Stick Stone Pencil?
Because humans have always shared knowledge through visual, oral and written modes. The name refers to the sticks used to draw in the sand and the stones and other landforms used for storytelling. Stone also refers to the way some of the ways the world currently works might seem set in stone, but there's very little that actually is. And pencil, because recorded history and commentary is not fixed, parts have been erased, parts were never written, some parts are written in stronger lead than other parts. Pencil because when I write I invite people with a deeper or different lived experience to help us broaden perspectives and illustrate the complexity in the issues we all face, to help us re-write complex concepts more accurately; because what I write is a version of my thinking at that particular moment and part of ongoing conversations and learning.
Challenging the status quo for decision-making that works for people and planet.
Get your head around the financial system & what needs to change
How an Australian start-up called Maslow is changing the game.
If the world was designed for families…
How would you design the world if “families” was your reference point?